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Details pursuant to Art. 5 DDG (German Digital Service Act):

Zentrale Abrechnungsstelle für den Rettungsdienst Bayern GmbH
Elsenheimer Str. 41 
80687 Munich

Represented by:

Managing Director: Markus Schatzberger
Chairman of the Board: Andreas Krahl


Telephone: +49 89 244433 444
Email: info(at)

Commercial register:

Court of registration: Munich District Court
Company number: HRB 140334

VAT number:

VAT Reg. No. pursuant to Art 27a German VAT Act:
DE 226 900 168

Registered collection service provider pursuant to Art. 10 para. 1 No. 1 RDG
Member of the Federal Association of German Debt Collection Companies.

Debt collection regulatory authority
President of the district court of Munich
Pacellistraße 5
80315 Munich
Ref.: 371 E – M 1532 -